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Ramzan Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Ramzan name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "ramzan" is "ramzan is derived from the arabic word 'ramadan', which refers to the ninth month of the islamic lunar calendar. it is a significant month of fasting, prayer, reflection, and self-discipline for muslims.", and is used often for "ramzan is primarily used as a masculine name in islamic cultures, especially among muslim boys born during or in honor of the month of ramadan.".

ramzan is derived from the arabic word 'ramadan', which refers to the ninth month of the islamic lunar calendar. it is a significant month of fasting, prayer, reflection, and self-discipline for muslims.
Used for
ramzan is primarily used as a masculine name in islamic cultures, especially among muslim boys born during or in honor of the month of ramadan.

Ramzan Name Details

The name Ramzan has roots in Arabic and is associated with the Islamic holiday of Ramadan. Ramadan is considered a sacred time for Muslims worldwide, as they observe strict fasting from dawn to sunset, engage in additional prayers, and strive for spiritual growth and self-reflection. Naming a child Ramzan can serve as a reminder of the values and virtues associated with this important month in the Islamic faith.

Subash (soo-BASH)
Mubazer (moo-bah-zehr)
Tabna (Tahb-nah)
Aanwika (AHN-wee-ka)
Shurafa (shoo-RAH-fah)
Aram (ah-RAHM)
Namita (nuh-MEE-tuh)
Vishwaja (vi-shwa-ja)
Eshanth (ee-shanth)
Anahit (ah-NAH-heet)
Kubria (koo-bree-uh)
Sarvatman (suhr-vah-tuh-mahn)