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Ramkrishna Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Ramkrishna name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "ramkrishna" is "lord vishnu or lord krishna", and is used often for "mainly used as a boy's name in india".

lord vishnu or lord krishna
Used for
mainly used as a boy's name in india

Ramkrishna Name Details

Ramkrishna is a compound name derived from the combination of two Sanskrit words, 'Ram' and 'Krishna'. 'Ram' is the name of the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu, known for his virtues and ideal character. 'Krishna' is the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu, who is highly revered as a divine figure and is popularly known for his teachings in the Bhagavad Gita. The name Ramkrishna symbolizes the union of two significant deities and is often used by devotees as a way to express their reverence towards Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna.

Bhavishnu (buh-VEESH-noo)
Quartier (kar-tee-ay)
Chala (CHA-lah)
Aneezah (ah-NEE-zah)
Adhrysa (ah-dree-suh)
Zakyas (Zah-KEY-uhss)
Asjad (as-jad)
Razaanah (rah-ZAH-nah)
Willis (WIL-is)
Sharav (shah-RAHV)
Himaghana (hee-muh-gah-nuh)
Chandana (chuhn-DAH-nah)