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Pushkin Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History
Pushkin name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.
The meaning of the name "pushkin" is "from the russian word puskat meaning 'to let go' or 'to send forth'", and is used often for "primarily used as a surname, but can also be used as a given name".
Pushkin Name Details
Pushkin is a surname of Russian origin, derived from the Russian word puskat. It is famously associated with the renowned Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, whose works have had a significant influence on Russian literature. In some cases, Pushkin is also used as a given name to honor the poet's legacy.
Batia (bah-TEE-ah)
Alhena (al-HEE-nah)
Kalap (kuh-LAP)
Dougal (DOO-guhl)
Mahitha (mah-HEE-thah)
Nirveli (neer-VEH-lee)
Rosabel (rohz-uh-bel)
Champavati (CHAHM-pah-vah-tee)
Dorean (doh-REE-an)
Ghawas (gha-WAS)
Vardhini (vahr-DHEE-nee)
Dhevan (dheh-vahn)