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Prudence Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Prudence name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "prudence" is "prudence is derived from the latin word 'prudentia' which means 'wisdom' or 'foresight'. it is associated with the virtue of being cautious, practical, and having sound judgment.", and is used often for "prudence is primarily used as a feminine name.".

prudence is derived from the latin word 'prudentia' which means 'wisdom' or 'foresight'. it is associated with the virtue of being cautious, practical, and having sound judgment.
Used for
prudence is primarily used as a feminine name.

Prudence Name Details

The name Prudence has historical significance as it was often used during the Puritan era in the United States. It was a popular choice among the Puritans, reflecting their values of prudence and religious devotion.

Hujjatah (Hooj-jah-tah)
Madhi (MAH-dee)
Varda (VAR-dah)
Somesh (Soh-mesh)
Aatiya (Ah-tee-yah)
Mathieu (ma-TYEU)
Ashis (uh-SHEES)
Yoza (YOH-zah)
Ahara (ah-hah-rah)
Savar (suh-VAR)
Clay (klay)
Bhattara (buh-tah-rah)