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Periyakaruppan Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Periyakaruppan name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "periyakaruppan" is "periyakaruppan is a tamil name composed of two parts. periya means 'big' or 'great' and karuppan refers to the hindu god karuppu swamy. therefore, the name periyakaruppan can be interpreted as 'the great karuppu swamy'", and is used often for "periyakaruppan is primarily used as a masculine name".

periyakaruppan is a tamil name composed of two parts. periya means 'big' or 'great' and karuppan refers to the hindu god karuppu swamy. therefore, the name periyakaruppan can be interpreted as 'the great karuppu swamy'
Used for
periyakaruppan is primarily used as a masculine name

Periyakaruppan Name Details

The name Periyakaruppan has its roots in Tamil Nadu, a state in southern India. The Tamil people, who primarily reside in Tamil Nadu and the neighboring regions, commonly use this name to honor and invoke the blessings of the deity Karuppu Swamy. Karuppu Swamy is considered a powerful guardian deity who protects his devotees from evil spirits and brings them good fortune.

Amaresa (uh-MUH-re-suh)
Bazkusha (bahz-koo-shah)
Srivalli (sree-VAL-ee)
Thirugnam (Thee-roog-nahm)
Kanaka (kah-NAH-kah)
Navashree (NAH-vah-shree)
Haibat (HAY-baht)
Buzla (BUZ-lah)
Churni (CHUR-nee)
Natallia (na-TAHL-ee-uh)
Shahalad (shah-ha-lad)
Liwanag (lee-wah-NAHG)