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Patience Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Patience name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "patience" is "the name patience derives from the latin word 'patientia', meaning 'endurance' or 'perseverance'. it symbolizes the ability to remain calm and composed in difficult situations.", and is used often for "primarily used as a feminine name.".

the name patience derives from the latin word 'patientia', meaning 'endurance' or 'perseverance'. it symbolizes the ability to remain calm and composed in difficult situations.
pey-shuh ns
Used for
primarily used as a feminine name.

Patience Name Details

The name Patience gained popularity in England during the 17th century Puritan movement. It was often bestowed upon girls as a virtue name, representing one of the qualities valued by the Puritans.

Toshanav (toh-shuh-nahv)
Dalee (Dal-ee)
Surangam (Soo-ran-gam)
Morgane (mor-GAHN)
Murugadas (moo-roo-guh-dahs)
Aishita (ah-ee-shee-tah)
Aditha (ah-DEE-thah)
Fariishta (fah-REE-shta)
Sushok (SUH-shok)
Gireesha (gi-REE-sha)
Manamohana (ma-na-mo-ha-na)
Rebanta (reh-bahn-tuh)