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Panchal Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Panchal name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "panchal" is "panchal is a surname of indian origin. it is derived from the sanskrit word 'panchala', which refers to the ancient kingdom in north india. the word 'panchal' also signifies 'five villages' in hindi.", and is used often for "panchal is primarily used as a surname in india. it is commonly found among people belonging to various hindu castes and communities, including brahmins, rajputs, and vaishyas.".

panchal is a surname of indian origin. it is derived from the sanskrit word 'panchala', which refers to the ancient kingdom in north india. the word 'panchal' also signifies 'five villages' in hindi.
Used for
panchal is primarily used as a surname in india. it is commonly found among people belonging to various hindu castes and communities, including brahmins, rajputs, and vaishyas.

Panchal Name Details

The Panchal surname has its roots in ancient Indian history. The Panchala kingdom was mentioned in the Mahabharata, an ancient Indian epic. It was one of the sixteen Mahajanapadas (great kingdoms) of ancient India. The region was historically significant and the Panchal surname likely originated from the people who lived in or were associated with this kingdom.

Kaodli (kowd-lee)
Deenbabdhu (deen-bahb-dhoo)
Nata (NAY-tah)
Shabhayata (shah-bhah-yah-tah)
Mohib (moh-heeb)
Maargo (mahr-goh)
Tomadhara (to-ma-DHA-ra)
Aatto (AH-t-to)
Nayalsh (NAY-ahlsh)
Paramdev (PA-rahm-dev)
Densi (DEN-see)
Chaturnik (CHA-ter-nik)