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NuMan Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History
NuMan name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.
The meaning of the name "numan" is "blessed, sweet", and is used often for "boys".
NuMan Name Details
The name Nu'Man is of Arabic origin. It is derived from the Arabic word for 'blessed' or 'sweet'. In Islamic tradition, Nu'Man is considered a virtuous and praiseworthy name. It has been used as a given name for boys in various Arab countries, symbolizing the hope for a blessed and prosperous life.
Taadeeb (tah-deeb)
Khasim (ka-SEEM)
Mirium (mi-ree-uhm)
Amitha (ah-mee-thah)
Vanalakshmi (vuh-nuh-lahk-shmee)
Seemab (see-mahb)
Mannaan (muh-NAN)
Dhanyavi (DHAHN-yuh-vee)
Mahatejas (ma-ha-TEJ-as)
Shuqra (shoo-krah)
Qazaab (kuh-ZAHB)
Mahek (mah-hayk)