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Nubia Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Nubia name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "nubia" is "nubia is a feminine name that originates from the region of nubia in africa. the name nubia is thought to be derived from the ancient egyptian word for 'gold'.", and is used often for "nubia is used as a given name for girls.".

nubia is a feminine name that originates from the region of nubia in africa. the name nubia is thought to be derived from the ancient egyptian word for 'gold'.
Used for
nubia is used as a given name for girls.

Nubia Name Details

Nubia was the name of an ancient African civilization located along the Nile River in present-day Sudan and southern Egypt. The region was known for its rich culture and history, and the name Nubia reflects the heritage of this ancient civilization.

Dessirae (deh-suh-ray)
Khajastgi (kuh-JAS-tgee)
Kusumbala (koo-SUHM-buh-luh)
Coleman (KOHL-mən)
Channaa (shan-nah)
Devansa (duh-VAN-suh)
Ajana (ah-JAH-nah)
Thamizvani (tuh-MEEZ-vah-nee)
Enola (ih-NOH-lah)
Deepanti (dee-pan-tee)
Yusriyya (yoo-sree-uh)
Poornanand (poo-rna-nand)