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Nerine Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Nerine name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "nerine" is "nerine originates from greek mythology and is derived from the word 'neros' meaning 'water lily'. in greek mythology, nerine was one of the nereids, the fifty daughters of nereus and doris. they were sea nymphs known for their grace and beauty.", and is used often for "nerine is commonly used as a feminine name.".

nerine originates from greek mythology and is derived from the word 'neros' meaning 'water lily'. in greek mythology, nerine was one of the nereids, the fifty daughters of nereus and doris. they were sea nymphs known for their grace and beauty.
Used for
nerine is commonly used as a feminine name.

Nerine Name Details

Nerine has a rich history dating back to Greek mythology. The name is associated with water lilies and the grace and beauty of the Nereids, the sea nymphs.

Baari (bah-ree)
Nodhas (NO-dhas)
Javaahar (juh-vah-haar)
Aimel (AY-mel)
Darpanarayana (dahr-pah-nuh-rah-yuh-nuh)
Mataya (muh-TAY-uh)
Shavas (sha-VAHS)
Kani (kuh-nee)
Sibley (sahy-blee)
Rutwaak (root-waak)
Muath (moo-ath)
Upavana (ooh-puh-vuh-nuh)