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Navkar Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Navkar name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "navkar" is "blessings of the new beginnings", and is used often for "both boys and girls".

blessings of the new beginnings
Used for
both boys and girls

Navkar Name Details

Navkar is a Sanskrit name that is commonly used as a unisex name in India. It is derived from the combination of two Sanskrit words, 'Nav' meaning new and 'kar' meaning creator or doer. The name signifies the blessings of new beginnings and is often used to invoke positive energy and good luck. In Jainism, Navkar Mantra is a very significant prayer, and Navkar is a popular name among Jain communities. It is also gradually gaining popularity among people of other cultural backgrounds for its beautiful meaning and sound.

Indulal (In-doo-lal)
Amal (uh-MAHL)
Cikura (sih-KOO-rah)
Shafif (shah-feef)
Diyar (dee-YAHR)
Laxaminarayan (lahks-muh-nee-rah-yahn)
Ekatal (eh-kah-tahl)
Francesca (fran-CHES-kah)
Hukmdin (huhk-m-din)
Kaden (KAY-dən)
Tallon (TAL-ən)
Rathinasami (ra-thi-na-sa-mee)