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Marine Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Marine name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "marine" is "from the latin word 'marinus' meaning 'of the sea'", and is used often for "primarily used as a feminine name".

from the latin word 'marinus' meaning 'of the sea'
Used for
primarily used as a feminine name

Marine Name Details

The name Marine has origins in several languages including Latin, French, and English. It is derived from the Latin word 'marinus', which translates to 'of the sea'. The name is often associated with the beauty and tranquility of the ocean. It has been used as a feminine given name primarily, although it can also be used as a masculine name in some cultures. Throughout history, the name Marine has been used in various cultures and regions, reflecting its popularity and enduring appeal.

Dhramsingh (DRAM-sing)
Keelin (KEE-lin)
Shrathi (shrah-thee)
Garagargar (Guh-ruh-guh-ruh)
Amarjeet (ah-mahr-jeet)
Yahsmita (yah-SMEE-tah)
Rajakokilam (rah-juh-ko-ki-lahm)
Wakeela (wa-KEE-lah)
Dhaneesh (dha-NEESH)
Eeswari (ee-shwahr-ee)
Zarqam (zar-kam)
Kafeelah (kuh-FEE-lah)