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Marianne Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Marianne name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "marianne" is "the name marianne is derived from the combination of the names mary and anne. mary means 'beloved' or 'wished-for child', while anne means 'grace' or 'favor'. therefore, marianne can be interpreted as 'beloved grace' or 'favored child'.", and is used often for "marianne is commonly used as a feminine given name.".

the name marianne is derived from the combination of the names mary and anne. mary means 'beloved' or 'wished-for child', while anne means 'grace' or 'favor'. therefore, marianne can be interpreted as 'beloved grace' or 'favored child'.
Used for
marianne is commonly used as a feminine given name.

Marianne Name Details

The name Marianne has French origins and gained popularity in the 18th century. It is a combination of the names Maria and Anna. Marianne has been used in several literary works, such as the French national symbol 'Marianne' representing the French Republic, and the character Marianne Dashwood in Jane Austen's novel 'Sense and Sensibility'.

Satwaki (suh-tuh-wah-kee)
Jyeshtha (jyesh-tha)
Uzziel (oo-ZY-el)
Gauzar (gow-ZAR)
Saajlah (saa-j-lah)
Sadadaran (sah-dah-dah-rahn)
Sincerity (sin-ser-i-tee)
Utalika (oo-tuh-LEE-kuh)
Nabhanipa (NAH-bha-nee-pa)
Saahibah (sah-hee-buh)
Belma (BEL-mah)
Bunty (BUHN-tee)