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Maniyan Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

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The meaning of the name "maniyan" is "gem; perfect; a person who is like a precious gem or perfect in every aspect", and is used often for "typically used as a boy's name".

gem; perfect; a person who is like a precious gem or perfect in every aspect
Used for
typically used as a boy's name

Maniyan Name Details

Maniyan is a traditional Indian name, commonly used in Tamil Nadu, a state in southern India. It has its roots in the Tamil language and is derived from the word 'mani', which means 'gem' or 'jewel'. The suffix 'yan' is a common suffix used to denote a person. Therefore, Maniyan signifies a person who is like a precious gem or perfect in every aspect. This name reflects the importance given to gemstones and the idea of perfection in Indian culture.

Venkaiyan (ven-kai-yahn)
Durbail (dur-BAYL)
Jalon (jay-lahn)
Warisa (wah-REE-sah)
Natavara (nah-tah-VAH-rah)
Aang (AAH-ng)
Abishai (ah-bi-SHIE)
Sena (SEH-nah)
Damrazi (dam-RAH-zee)
Jaavon (juh-VAHN)
Aaddhar (ahd-dahr)
Zumad (zu-mad)