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Madhavi Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Madhavi name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "madhavi" is "derived from the sanskrit word madhava, meaning 'honey' or 'an epithet of the hindu god krishna'", and is used often for "primarily used as a feminine name".

derived from the sanskrit word madhava, meaning 'honey' or 'an epithet of the hindu god krishna'
Used for
primarily used as a feminine name

Madhavi Name Details

Madhavi is a traditional Indian name with roots in Hindu mythology. In Indian culture, names are often given significant meanings that reflect virtues or qualities. Madhavi represents sweetness, beauty, and charm, which are all associated with honey, a substance often considered to be precious and delightful. Additionally, Madhavi is also an epithet of Lord Krishna, one of the most revered deities in Hinduism. This name carries a deep cultural and religious significance in Indian communities.

Cadby (KAHD-bee)
Aadish (AH-dish)
Ekam (EE-kuhm)
Hamamah (HA-ma-mah)
Hawazin (Ha-wah-zeen)
Nicolaas (ni-KOH-lahs)
Vijayant (vi-jay-ant)
Dalajit (DAH-lah-jeet)
Radhwa (RAHD-wah)
Lingasamy (lin-guh-SAH-mee)
Mustashir (muh-stah-sheer)
Felberta (fel-BUR-ta)