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Luvya Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History
Luvya name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.
The meaning of the name "luvya" is "luvya is a modern invented name with no specific meaning. it is often used to express affection and love.", and is used often for "luvya is commonly used as a girl's name.".
Luvya Name Details
Luvya does not have a historical background since it is a recently invented name.
Additional links → Luvya nicknamesNames like LuvyaHow to pronounce LuvyaLuvya lucky numberLuvya lucky colorLuvya lucky alphabetsLuvya supportive numbersLuvya lucky daysLuvya lucky datesLuvya lucky hoursLuvya auspicious stonesLuvya auspicious metalsLuvya alternate stones
Phoebee (FEE-bee)
Vijayasree (vee-jay-uh-shree)
Fanny (FAN-ee)
Vallabhi (vuh-luhb-hee)
Nirmalya (neer-MAH-lyah)
Atnan (at-nan)
Ubayy (oo-BAY)
Sourindramohan (sow-reen-dra-mo-han)
Sarai (suh-rye)
Ganashyam (guh-NAH-shyam)
Stormy (STOR-mee)
Yadukumara (yah-doo-koo-mah-rah)