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Kip Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Kip name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "kip" is "from the old english word 'cyppian' meaning 'to make ready, to equip'. it is also associated with the word 'kip', which refers to the hide of a young or small beast.", and is used often for "primarily used as a boy's name.".

from the old english word 'cyppian' meaning 'to make ready, to equip'. it is also associated with the word 'kip', which refers to the hide of a young or small beast.
Used for
primarily used as a boy's name.

Kip Name Details

The name Kip has English origins and has been used as a given name since the 19th century. It is a short and modern-sounding name with a strong and energetic feel.

Namjas (NAM-jas)
Ratidevi (rah-tee-deh-vee)
Calah (Cah-lah)
Sumalatha (soo-muh-lah-thuh)
Gadiel (GAD-ee-el)
Tamavul (Tah-mah-vuhl)
Taqaddas (tah-KAHD-das)
Gorochana (go-ro-cha-na)
Sinjini (sin-JEE-nee)
Dasharath (dah-sha-ra-th)
Aaqil (ah-KEEL)
Hesther (HESS-ther)