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Jah Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Jah name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "jah" is "jah is a variant of the name jehovah, which derives from the hebrew name u05d9u05b0u05d4u05b9u05d5u05b8u05d4 (yahweh) meaning 'the existing one' or 'i am'. in rastafarianism, jah is a term used to refer to god.", and is used often for "jah is used as a given name for both boys and girls.".

jah is a variant of the name jehovah, which derives from the hebrew name u05d9u05b0u05d4u05b9u05d5u05b8u05d4 (yahweh) meaning 'the existing one' or 'i am'. in rastafarianism, jah is a term used to refer to god.
Used for
jah is used as a given name for both boys and girls.

Jah Name Details

Jah has its roots in ancient Hebrew and is commonly used in Rastafarian culture to refer to God.

Uladzimir (oo-LAHD-zee-meer)
Swapn (SWAHPN)
Balda (BAHL-dah)
Samat (sah-MAHT)
Ajeenkya (ah-jee-nk-yah)
Prakarana (pruh-kah-ruh-nuh)
Nirjvar (NEERJ-vahr)
Devottham (deh-vuh-tuhm)
Jeeta (JEE-tah)
Ashura (ah-SHOO-rah)
Rasjeevan (rahs-jee-vahn)
Elweard (EL-ward)