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Harbinder Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Harbinder name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "harbinder" is "harbinder originates from punjabi and can be broken down into two components: 'har' meaning 'god' and 'binder' meaning 'devotee' or 'saint'. therefore, the name harbinder can be interpreted as 'devotee of god' or 'saint of god'.", and is used often for "this name is commonly used for boys in punjabi-speaking communities.".

harbinder originates from punjabi and can be broken down into two components: 'har' meaning 'god' and 'binder' meaning 'devotee' or 'saint'. therefore, the name harbinder can be interpreted as 'devotee of god' or 'saint of god'.
Used for
this name is commonly used for boys in punjabi-speaking communities.

Harbinder Name Details

Harbinder is a traditional Punjabi name that has been in use for many generations. It carries cultural and religious significance, symbolizing a deep connection and devotion to God.

Gallasa (gah-LAH-sah)
Dilbaag (dil-BAHG)
Reshvin (reh-shveen)
Fisher (fi-sher)
Seneshwara (seh-ne-shwa-rah)
Kirtikumar (kur-tee-koo-mar)
Muqtada (mook-TAH-dah)
Darsa (DAHR-sah)
Sweraa (SWER-uh)
Keshvi (KEH-sh-vee)
Thirumurugan (thee-roo-moo-ruh-gahn)
Sufia (soo-fee-uh)