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Gunbir Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Gunbir name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "gunbir" is "the one who remains absorbed in the lord's meditation", and is used often for "both boys and girls".

the one who remains absorbed in the lord's meditation
Used for
both boys and girls

Gunbir Name Details

Gunbir is a Punjabi name that originated from the Sikh community in India. It is a combination of two words: 'Gun', which means virtue or quality, and 'Bir', which means warrior. The name signifies someone who remains absorbed in the meditation and devotion of the Lord while possessing warrior-like qualities. Gunbir is a unisex name, commonly given to both boys and girls in Sikh families. It represents the importance of spirituality and strength in their culture.

Amika (ah-MEE-kah)
Dost (dohst)
Azzeer (uh-zeer)
Mayandi (may-an-dee)
Zatmar (ZAT-mar)
Ieashah (eye-ah-shah)
Waahid (waah-heed)
Ohawna (Oh-hah-wuh-nah)
Manilal (mah-nee-lahl)
Ujyala (oo-jah-lah)
Shvetarchis (SHVET-ahr-chees)
Nadee (NAH-dee)