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Gaya Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Gaya name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "gaya" is "varies depending on cultural background. sanskrit meaning: swift, agile; hebrew meaning: godly; indigenous australian meaning: beach, seashore", and is used often for "both boys and girls".

varies depending on cultural background. sanskrit meaning: swift, agile; hebrew meaning: godly; indigenous australian meaning: beach, seashore
Used for
both boys and girls

Gaya Name Details

The name Gaya has diverse origins and meanings across different cultures. In Sanskrit, Gaya means swift or agile. In Hebrew, it is believed to have a godly or divine connotation. Additionally, the name Gaya is also associated with Indigenous Australian culture, where it means beach or seashore. Due to its versatality, Gaya can be used as a name for both boys and girls. The name is pronounced as GUY-ah.

Sarda (SAR-da)
Gulya (GOO-lyah)
Radi (rah-DEE)
Giddeon (GIHD-yən)
Nirmalakumari (neer-muh-lah-koo-mah-ree)
Akhzir (AHK-zeer)
Pajasvati (PAH-jas-vah-tee)
Prakshi (prahk-shee)
Bisini (bih-see-nee)
Gopinatha (go-PEE-nuh-tha)
Shabbeer (shah-BEER)
Saffeer (saf-feer)