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Crawford Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Crawford name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "crawford" is "derived from old english, the name crawford means 'ford where crows gather'.", and is used often for "primarily used as a surname, but can be used as a given name for boys".

derived from old english, the name crawford means 'ford where crows gather'.
Used for
primarily used as a surname, but can be used as a given name for boys

Crawford Name Details

The surname Crawford originated from a place name in Scotland, and it was initially used to identify individuals who lived near a ford where crows were frequently found. Over time, it became a popular surname and eventually started being used as a given name for boys as well.

Raelene (Ray-LEEN)
Raghuvir (RAH-goo-veer)
Naganalatha (Nuh-guh-nuh-luh-thuh)
Sure (soo-reh)
Layaan (lay-YAHN)
Naganandini (Nuh-guh-nan-dee-nee)
Mubeen (moo-BEEN)
Savitri (sah-VEE-tree)
Sarvamayi (sahr-vuh-mah-yee)
Vibhi (VIH-bhi)
Bukala (boo-kah-lah)
Devangi (deh-VAN-gee)