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Chunni Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Chunni name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "chunni" is "a nickname or term of endearment in punjabi, meaning 'little one' or 'sweetheart'", and is used often for "primarily used as a nickname or term of endearment for girls and women in punjabi-speaking regions".

a nickname or term of endearment in punjabi, meaning 'little one' or 'sweetheart'
Used for
primarily used as a nickname or term of endearment for girls and women in punjabi-speaking regions

Chunni Name Details

The name Chunni originates from the Punjabi language, which is spoken in the region of Punjab in India and Pakistan. It is commonly used as a nickname or term of endearment for girls and women, emphasizing their small size or expressing affection. Chunni is a popular name or pet name used within families and close relationships.

Burgess (BUR-jis)
Asutosa (ah-soo-TOH-sah)
Skhawat (s-khuh-waht)
Zohaib (Zoh-haib)
Kamel (kah-mel)
Iniyasivam (ee-nee-yah-see-vahm)
Ed (ed)
Brhadvisa (bruhd-VEE-sah)
Khameess (kuh-MEESS)
Kamood (Ka-mood)
Sabhrant (suh-brant)
Drdharuci (drud-ha-ROO-chee)