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Charita Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Charita name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "charita" is "the name charita is derived from the greek word 'charis' meaning 'grace' or 'kindness'. it carries the connotations of showing compassion, generosity, and goodwill towards others.", and is used often for "charita is commonly used as a feminine given name.".

the name charita is derived from the greek word 'charis' meaning 'grace' or 'kindness'. it carries the connotations of showing compassion, generosity, and goodwill towards others.
Used for
charita is commonly used as a feminine given name.

Charita Name Details

Charita has its roots in ancient Greek mythology. In Greek literature, Charites (also known as Graces) were goddesses representing beauty, charm, and grace. They were associated with various virtues and qualities that brought happiness and pleasure. As a name, Charita reflects these positive attributes and is often chosen for its powerful message of benevolence and graciousness.

Tahir (tuh-HEER)
Malika (mah-LEE-kuh)
Giridhar (giri-dhar)
Atwater (AHT-wah-tuhr)
Omeed (oh-MEED)
Nilan (ni-lan)
Jagadev (juh-guh-dev)
Balach (BUH-lahk)
Mahrokh (MAH-rohk)
Kirsi (KEER-see)
Siavosh (see-ah-vohsh)
Harshvina (HARSH-vee-na)