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Cary Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Cary name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "cary" is "cary is a unisex name of english origin. it is derived from the irish surname o'caireallain, which means 'descendant of caireallu00e1n'. the name caireallu00e1n itself is composed of two elements - 'caer', meaning 'noble' or 'dear', and 'allu00e1n', meaning 'little rock' or 'harmony'. therefore, the name cary can be interpreted as 'noble one' or 'dear harmony'.", and is used often for "cary is used as both a boys name and a girls name.".

cary is a unisex name of english origin. it is derived from the irish surname o'caireallain, which means 'descendant of caireallu00e1n'. the name caireallu00e1n itself is composed of two elements - 'caer', meaning 'noble' or 'dear', and 'allu00e1n', meaning 'little rock' or 'harmony'. therefore, the name cary can be interpreted as 'noble one' or 'dear harmony'.
Used for
cary is used as both a boys name and a girls name.

Cary Name Details

Cary has a long history, dating back to Ireland. It was originally a surname, indicating a family's ancestral connection to Caireallu00e1n. Over time, it has gained popularity as a first name for both boys and girls.

Satishchandra (Sa-tee-shchuhn-dra)
Anirvesh (ah-nee-RVEH-sh)
Fattaah (FAH-tah)
Upasna (oo-PAHS-nah)
Atlaah (Aht-laa)
Indresan (in-dre-san)
Carryn (KAIR-in)
Sadeeq (suh-deek)
Danilo (dah-NEE-lo)
Sthir (stheer)
Genna (JEN-ah)
Mere (MEH-ray)