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Binky Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Binky name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "binky" is "diminutive form of the name benjamin or benjaminetta", and is used often for "both boys and girls".

diminutive form of the name benjamin or benjaminetta
Used for
both boys and girls

Binky Name Details

The name Binky is derived from the name Benjamin or Benjaminetta. It is commonly used as a nickname or an endearing term for those with the given name Benjamin. The exact origin of the name Binky is unclear, but it has been used as a familiar or affectionate variation of Benjamin for many years. The name Benjamin itself comes from the Hebrew name Binyamin, meaning 'son of the right hand' or 'favorite son'. Binky can be used as a given name for both boys and girls.

Imsha (IM-sha)
Naini (NAI-nee)
Banbhatt (bahn-bhuh-t)
Ajilal (ah-ji-lal)
Rawal (rah-wahl)
Tejshree (tezh-shree)
Samarveeer (suh-mar-veer)
Harsa (HAR-sah)
Jinodaya (jee-noh-DAY-uh)
Reeda (ree-duh)
Elliann (EH-lee-ann)
Vivashvat (vi-VAHSH-vat)