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Babak Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Babak name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "babak" is "babak is a persian name with ancient roots. it is derived from the old persian word 'babaga', which means 'little father' or 'little grandfather'.", and is used often for "babak is commonly used as a masculine given name.".

babak is a persian name with ancient roots. it is derived from the old persian word 'babaga', which means 'little father' or 'little grandfather'.
Used for
babak is commonly used as a masculine given name.

Babak Name Details

The name Babak has historical significance in Persian culture. It is primarily associated with Babak Khorramdin, a Persian revolutionary leader who fought against the Arab Caliphate in the 9th century. Babak Khorramdin is considered a national hero in Iran.

Ponnazhagi (Pon-na-za-gi)
Velvizhi (VEL-vee-zhi)
Kawtar (kah-tar)
Adden (AH-dun)
Nakshith (NAK-shith)
Trishulini (tri-SHU-li-nee)
Jayvant (JAY-vant)
Jayeshtha (Jay-esh-tha)
Baihas (BY-hahs)
Lulu (loo-loo)
Danabhakiyam (duh-nuh-BAH-kee-yum)
Mina (MEE-nuh)